宇信塑膠股份有限公司-Yuhsin Plastics Corp.
YUHSIN PLASTICS CORP.Yuhsin Plastics Corp. (YPC) is a family-owned plastics injection molding manufacturer located in Chang-Hwa, Taiwan. For over 25 years, YPC has delivered numerous plastic products to a vast customer base, serving multiple markets including plumbing parts, industrial machine parts, and consumer products, from prototype to production. To customer satisfaction, production flexibility, integrative capability and on-time delivery are our guiding principles over the years.
宇信塑膠 創立於1990年,專營塑膠鋼模射出成型,累積多年製造經驗,有效率整合塑膠鋼模設計、模具履歷、射出成型生產、二次再加工、組立與包裝等;協助客戶開發與整合產品之服務。產品廣泛應用於廚房衛浴零配件、工業用機器零組件、家電生活用品之塑膠製品。「品質第一、客戶至上」為本公司的經營理念。
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